Saturday, February 16, 2019

Hercules script engine is case-sensitive, rAthena isn't

I still remember when I was still Scripting Moderator in rAthena, there was this old bug report ...
...  after rAthena switched to IPB4 ... forum bug tracker down ....
anyway, it goes like this

Joseph open a bug report, claiming some official script doesn't execute the monster label properly
after some debate between the developers, I posted a script and prove them it is true
make one npc with the capital letter, and another one without capital letter -> OnDead - Ondead
click on 'asdf' npc, after kill the monster, the map-server.exe spam error
BrianL immediately add tag [Confirmed] and [Severity-Medium] to this bug report
within a few weeks, both Euphy and Joseph fix all the npc scripts in the emulator, and they mark it as [Solved]

..... the truth is, if you try the above script in latest rAthena, this bug still happen TODAY
this bug can't reproduce in Hercules because Hercules has case-sensitive script engine

Now let's talk about how crazy the script can be, if the script engine is not case-sensitive

other than npc header, 'prontera' and '1_F_MARIA',
script commands, labels, variables and constants are case-insensitive in rAthena
strings that enclosed in " double-quotation mark are not affected
means "this" "--ja--" "all" "All" still has to retain its format

This will throw duplicate label error in rAthena
in Hercules, click on the npc will display "2" properly

So, rAthena users, remember, don't simply use Onmobdead: label in your scripts
because official script already uses OnMobDead, OnMyMobDead, ... etc
... anyways, any official script already using that label name, Don't change into small letters in your scripts

... btw, SQL commands are still case-insensitive,
so me as Hercules user still uses small letters in *query_sql script commands

External Links:

Player Checker NPC
... once rAthena forum bug tracker up, will post that bug tracker ID here ...

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