Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How to send Weekly Rewards to players

now I have this script I want to send the weekly reward to players by mail, here's my take on how to tackle this problem yup, basically I just added a few more line down there

now, this is what happen when the script first loaded

1. when the server load the script for the first time, it will execute OnInit: and try to save the date of Sunday on that week

  • CURDATE() means today is '20201014'
  • DAYOFWEEK(CURDATE()) means today is Wednesday(4) -> Sunday is (1)
  •  that's why needs a -1 , DAYOFWEEK(CURDATE())-1 means -3
    • SUBDATE('20201014', INTERVAL (3) DAY)
    • return '2020-10-11' is the Sunday of that week
  •  since it return '2020-10-11', have to kill the '-' symbol, use REPLACE syntax to remove that symbol

this value '20201011' is save into $poring_rank_1st_sunday and remain unchange forever
and the script will always try to compare to this value in DATEDIFF

now, this is what happen on the next week when triggering OnSun0000: label
"SELECT DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), '"+ $poring_rank_1st_sunday +"')/7"

  • CURDATE() is '20201018', the Sunday on the next week
  • DATEDIFF('20201018', '20201011') return 7, since we need to compare in weeks, do a /7, 7/7 = 1
  • .this_week_index = 1, $poring_rank_week_index = 0, the value are different now, thus it will try to reset the ladder

and once the ladder is reset, set $poring_rank_week_index(0) into .this_week_index(1) so it won't trigger on OnInit: label again
even doing a @reloadscript, it will compare the week index as 1 == 1, and won't execute ladder reset
only the next week again, compare the week index as 2 == 1, only will execute ladder reset

unlike the monthly reset, which save the actual date,
this one has to increase the week index counter even if there are no ranking in that week

External Links:
Weekly MVP Rewards

See Also:
How to send Monthly Rewards to players

How to send Monthly Reward to players

now I have this script I want to send the monthly reward to players by mail, here's my take on how to tackle this problem
yup, basically I just added a few more line down there

now break it into 3 parts

  1. when the server first load the script, it will execute OnInit: and store the $poringkill_last_given variable
    it will store the value as '202010', 2020 is the year, and 10 is the current month
  2.  then on 12:00am, it will execute OnClock0000: label,
    with the if (gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH) != 1) end; to halt the script if it isn't the day 1 of the month
    since it is a new month, '202011' is different from '202010' and thus execute the condition below
  3. The second condition of OnInit: label is to make sure it will run L_GiveMonthlyReward: label IF the server isn't online during 12:00am of day 1 of the month.
    It will compare to the $poringkill_last_given variable every time, if it is different month, then it will execute the statement below
    it has to bypass the if (gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH) != 1) end; so even if the server somehow didn't even online on day 1 of the month, it will still giving out monthly reward for previous month

External Link:
Monthly MVP Rank

See Also:
How to send Weekly Rewards to players

Thursday, October 8, 2020

compare regular expression on rAthena & Hercules

The most famous script that uses Regular Expression is GmOcean's Disguise Event
to learn more about Regular Expression, refer to Wikipedia
Visit this site for more in-depth tutorial

This NPC will Copy whatever you type
It's common practice that you should include ^ at the beginning and $ at the end
without it, players can input whitespace to bypass the check

(.@a$ ~= "asdf") = it can be "asdf", "aaasdf", "asdfffff", " asdf   " and so on
(.@a$ ~= "^asdf") = it can be "asdf", "asdffffff", "asdfasdf", "asdf   " <-- this just check the begining string
(.@a$ ~= "^asdf$") = it can only be "asdf", no other match

defpattern 1, "([^:]+): asdf","L_0"; <-- it can be "asdf", "asdfffffff", "asdfasdf", "asdf    " and so on
defpattern 1, "([^:]+): asdf$","L_0"; <-- only "asdf" will trigger the label L_0, OR "ASDF", "AsDf" and so on ...

yup, *pcre_match is case-sensitive, but *defpattern isn't, remember to keep this in mind
to make *pcre_match case-insensitive, use (?i) flag
to make *defpattern case-sensitive, use (?-i) flag

in practice, this command is most useful to check invalid character input
- only allow 0-9, a-z, A-Z or follow a format, like MySQL datetime format

for rAthena counterpart, rAthena has *preg_match instead, which follow PHP style input
However unlike Hercules, there are no way to capture the strings within a bracket
rAthena's *preg_match can only returns 0 or 1
correct me if I'm wrong, the source code seems to indicate it can return 0~10 but I couldn't get it display 2 or above

Some older client that diff with multi-language support will return |00 in front of character speech
try check it with *consolemes with the very first script (rAthena is *debugmes)
if that happens, your syntax has to change into

External Links:
Disguise Event fix
defpattern regexp
ignore case sensitive in regexp

Saturday, October 3, 2020

*input with optional min/max parameter

I still see a lot people do this

although this isn't bad by any means, but we can hijack it with *input <var>,<min>,<max>;

yup, just 1 line, do all 3 conditions above

No. 1 - *input script command can return -1,0,1 these 3 values
if the input amount is smaller than <min>, then it will return with the condition -1
since we don't want to close; the script on condition 0 or 1, then put the <min> as 1,
when player input as 0, it will return as condition -1

No. 2 - The <max> can insert with the condition countitem(Poring_Coin), or 100, depends on the script
Or ... just do both by having a *min script command <-- pick the lowest value in the group

This is extremely useful if there is a complex +/- calculation involve
Example this custom bank script
Player only needs to input 9999999999 and it will automatically convert into accepted value without having to pull out a calculator

External Links:
Zeny in separate table

Linux compiler error that never shown on Visual Studio

let's just admit Visual Studio sux ... ok ? right now, if you want to host a Private Ragnarok Online server, its just better to choose...