Saturday, January 5, 2019


Hihi~ I am a Scripter for both Hercules and rAthena emulator
pretty helpful while I was around ~ usually helping around Scripting section, although I am leaning towards hercules side
I can do a little source edits, but not too confident about it...
My strongest point is writing event scripts ~ I might be unable to deny your battleground script request ~

PS: while I am around -> means -> you know what it is 😁
since I can inactive for several months ... sometimes ~

I started scripting since year 2007.
I had 2 teachers at the time on eAthena forum. Yhn and Trancid.
Somewhere around Aug 2007, I received a PM asking to be a Scripting Moderator for eathena forum.
Maybe because I was being helpful on the forum ? LOL ~
I quickly answer "Yes" at that time, and joined as eAthena staff member ever since.
Currently I am Script Developer for Hercules.

The reason why I am started this blog because:-
1. Organize my scripts better in this blog. Google drive dump with all kinds of stuffs now
2. Write certain scripting guides that I'm not too confident to publish on the forum or wiki
3. Some thoughts about the current trend of Hercules or rAthena emulator

Contact me:
Discord (mirror): AnnieRuru#1609


Linux compiler error that never shown on Visual Studio

let's just admit Visual Studio sux ... ok ? right now, if you want to host a Private Ragnarok Online server, its just better to choose...