Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Compare Instance script between rAthena & Hercules


  1. Hercules has more instance related script commands, but also make this more flexible and versatile once you learn to use them
    • Hercules has *instance_attach script command, make sure this script command is added AFTER *instance_init if you want the script to do some other stuffs inside the instance during the registration phase.
    • Hercules has to emulate the map name with *instance_attachmap if the map name doesn't follow the syntax <number>@<5 string limit>
  2. Hercules instance ID start from 0, rathena instance ID start from 1
    • Make sure the instance_announce is set to -1


  1. rathena has instance_db.yml file ... make sure you add these line then @reloadinstancedb 
    • dealing with .yml file in rathena is really a headche, sometimes it spits error that doesn't make sense, and all you have to do is add/remove a single space or new line ...
  2. rAthena relies on instance_id(IM_type) to know which instance ID the player belongs in.
  3. rathena has much less instance related script command, making rathena instance script easier to learn, but there is a drawback
    • not as flexible as hercules having *instance_timeout script command ... this value is hardcoded into database so all party has to use the same timeout value
  4.  rathena instance ID start from 1, hercules instance ID start from 0
    • make sure the instance_announce is set to 0 
rAthena *instance_enter doesn't work with IM_NONE .... wait is rathena only works with IM_PARTY, all other types doesn't work at this moment

Note: I didn't file a bug report because I was assuming they going to fix in this pull request rAthena has a bug that prevents you from entering multiple instance

Player A has same party with player B.
Player A has same guild with player C.

Player B create Instance ONE for party.
Player C create Instance TWO for guild.

Player A supposedly can go in both instance, but player A can only go to the party instance, not the guild
Hercules doesn't suffer from this issue.

External Links

Help learning instance and how it works - rAthena & Hercules
Doubt about instance_create command

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