Monday, January 28, 2019

Daily Quest - use gettimetick(2) or gettimestr ?

Most people when thinking about Daily Quest, they think it as a quest repeatable every 24-hours

but my experience playing other MMORPG games, it actually reset at 12am
yes, I can finish this quest by 11.59pm, and redo it again at 12.00am

I would prefer to use *gettimestr method, unless being explicitly ask redeem the prize every 24 hours
I prefer *gettimestr over gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFYEAR) because I can read the value clearly
gettimestr("%Y%m%d", 9) return 20190128 

External Link:

OnHour00 players value recover 
Daily Rewards
Delete on char_reg_num on a specific time


  1. thats why i always visit your blog :D

  2. atoi( gettimestr( "%Y%m%d", 9 ) );

    Annie What the function for number 9?for what?

  3. read script_commands.txt
    *gettimestr(format string, max length)

  4. Holla there Big sister :D

    Litro Endemic

  5. The answer I'm looking for.

    Thanks, AnnieRuru!


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