Saturday, January 5, 2019

Another approach to write PVP ladder

I always thought there are only 2 methods to write a PVP ladder script

Method No.1: Use Sql to log the number of kills and death of each character ID

Method No. 2: TXT style ladder, kinda similar to Terces PVP ladder (topic)

but after viewing this topic
this is another Method No.3 that logs every kills made by player 😮

I start to think this is the preferred method for PVP ladder script...
instead of just adding the kill counter, this actually logs player's action


  1. so which method is most efficient to use ?

  2. currently most people use method no.1
    there is no GROUP BY or DISTINCT command that can slow down the execution time

  3. thanks you annie, ill use method 1


Linux compiler error that never shown on Visual Studio

let's just admit Visual Studio sux ... ok ? right now, if you want to host a Private Ragnarok Online server, its just better to choose...