now I have this script
I want to send the monthly reward to players by mail, here's my take on how to tackle this problem
yup, basically I just added a few more line down there
now break it into 3 parts
- when the server first load the script, it will execute OnInit: and store the $poringkill_last_given variable
it will store the value as '202010', 2020 is the year, and 10 is the current month - then on 12:00am, it will execute OnClock0000: label,
with the if (gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH) != 1) end; to halt the script if it isn't the day 1 of the month
since it is a new month, '202011' is different from '202010' and thus execute the condition below - The second condition of OnInit: label is to make sure it will run L_GiveMonthlyReward: label IF
the server isn't online during 12:00am of day 1 of the
It will compare to the $poringkill_last_given variable every time, if it is different month, then it will execute the statement below
it has to bypass the if (gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH) != 1) end; so even if the server somehow didn't even online on day 1 of the month, it will still giving out monthly reward for previous month
External Link:
Monthly MVP Rank
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