This is the simplest woe script I could make, remember to add a line in db/castle_db.txt !!
There are too many things to cover in this article, so have to break it down bits-by-bits
gvg_castle mapflag is the unique mapflag meant for this situation, this is what is does
1. with
agitcheck() on, players with different guild ID can kill each other
2. the emperium unable to kill by its own guild member
the rest are all done by scripting, example like emperium spawn in empty castle, refresh of the guild emblem ...
remember the guild MUST have Guild Approval skill learned to hit the emperium !!
GUILD_FLAG(722) is a special npc ID that can shows the emblem of the guild, and it can be use outside of woe script
*flagemblem script command only works on this npc ID
donpcevent "::On1234" can be use to execute all npc with this label name, this can be use in other situation too
*requestguildinfo script command is needed when you want to show the emblem during server start-up ->
OnAgitInit: label only execute when the map-server successfully connect to char-server
the reason for using
OnAgitInit: is because the guild information are usually store in char-server,
so map-server doesn't need to load unneeded information
if you trying to use
OnInit: expecting to load the flag emblem during server startup, you'll find it is not loading the emblem
BUT it can solve the problem if you want the emblem to shows during @reloadscript
*setcastledata script command has a bunch of info that can use, all these are done with scripting,
there is totally nothing in the source code to change this whatsoever
in other words, if you want to make a custom woe script, you can abuse value 6/7/8 which is currently unused to use for your custom idea !
Note: in rAthena they are constant names
OnGuildBreak: works when the guild disband and the guild owns a castle, it will run this label
it is
directly run from the source when the guild master
/breakguild "guild name"
External Link:
woe auto assign on guild (